Construction Management
The cornerstones of successful construction management are teamwork, experience and organization. Orion Engineers and Constructors’ managers respect the essential part played by all team members including contractors, engineers, architects, owners, suppliers and inspectors. Their engineering, procurement and construction management (EPCM) experience gives our construction managers the ability to delegate information and tasks to all team members as needed, and to manage all general contracting, design-build and pre-construction services. Orion Engineers and Constructors’ managers provide the skill needed to accomplish all tasks involved in a project, from integration of engineering to document control, contractor coordination, turnover, commissioning, and material expediting and warehousing to systems identification.
Owner Services:
- Permitting
- Pro Forma Review
- Project Implementation
- Project Planning
- Safety
- Quality

In-plant & Source/Vendor Surveillance Inspection Services:
Orion Engineers and Constructors offers a total Inspection Service Package designed to meet each client’s specific needs and requirements. Our Inspectors function as representatives for our clients and serve under their direction as liaison between the owner/user and the primary fabricator and/or contractor. We also can provide Inspectors for in-plant projects, unit inspectors for routine run and maintain, inspectors for offsite projects and inspectors for maintenance turnarounds and Inspection Coordination efforts for owners using third party inspection service providers during Projects & T/As.
Orion Engineers and Constructors can provide senior inspectors certified with the American Welding Society (AWS/CWI) and/or the American Petroleum Institute; API-510 (In Service Pressure Vessels), API-570 (In Service Pressure Piping), API-653 (In Service Above Ground Storage Tanks), National Board (NBIC), NACE (Coating Inspectors), and other inspection related disciplines, as required.
Orion Engineers and Constructors’ Inspection Management Strongly Recommends that a Formal Pre-Fabrication/Inspection Meeting & Purchase Order review be held with each vendor & their sub-vendors, prior to the start of any fabrication. This meeting is to ensure that the vendors & sub-vendors are cognizant of the Purchase Order, and its referenced documents, requirements and to investigate and report any conflicts or misunderstandings of the Purchase Order or its referenced documents.
- Performing Formal Shop Audits to ensure vendor(s) are qualified to fabricate the desired equipment
- Vendor selections
- Review of the bid specifications packages to ensure applicable codes & client specifications are included
- Drawing reviews, WPS/PQR reviews, NDT procedure reviews, ITP reviews, etc.
- Expediting
- Material receiving inspections on high profile/fast trac orders with special alloy or exotic material requirements
Orion Engineers and Constructors’ Inspectors are aware of environmental and safety concerns related to the petrochemical industry and are trained and certified accordingly.
- Nondestructive Testing (NDT) Disciplines:
- VT – Visual Testing (actually perform)
- MT – Magnetic Particle Testing (witness & review only)
- PT – Liquid Penetrant Testing (witness & review only)
- RT – Radiographic Testing (film review & interpretation only)
- UT – Ultrasonic Testing (witness & review only)
- UTSW – Ultrasonic Testing Shear Wave (witness & review only)
- PAUT – Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (witness & review only)
- BT/LT – Bubble Testing/Leak Testing (witness & review only)
COMMENT: Orion Engineers and Constructors is not an NDT contractor. We do not provide or perform Radiographic Testing (RT), Magnetic Particle Testing (MT), Liquid Penetrant Testing (PT), Ultrasonic Testing (UT, UTSW or PAUT), Bubble Testing/Leak Testing (BT/LT), etc. However, we can and do sub-contract these disciplines as needed, or required per our client’s request.
Orion Engineers and Constructors’ Inspectors are experienced in and possess a good working knowledge of applicable codes and standards concerning the petrochemical industry. These include but are not limited to the following; API-510, 570, 650, 653, 661 & 1104, TEMA, ANSI B31.1&3, ASME Sec.V, Sec.VIII, Sec.IX, D1.1, ANSI/NB-23 National Board Inspection Code, AWWA, ASTM – A23 & A370 (Specification for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products), etc.
Orion Engineers and Constructors has a full time QA Inspection Manager on board to coordinate our inspection services and to provide technical support to our shop & field inspectors as needed, or as requested by the client. Our Inspectors are available for your emergency assignments with short notice for one day or for numerous days, locally, out of town and/or out of the USA.
- Pressure Vessel (any size & type – Drums, Column Tray Towers, Cladded Vessels, Double Jacket, Half Pipe, etc.)
- Exchangers
- S&T (Straight Bundles, U-Bundles, Helixchanger Bundles, Bundles w/Twisted Tubes)
- Bundles w/Seal Welded & Strength Welded T/TS Joints
- Bundle Retube
- Hair Pin
- Air Cooled
- Plate
- Piping (including Jacket & piping w/Contro-Trace or Contro Heat, etc.)
- Structural Steel (Coated {Painted or Hot Dip Galvanized}, Fire Proofed, etc.)
- Fired Heaters, Heater Tubes, Tube Supports/Hangers/Burners, etc.
- Boilers
- Steam Generators
- Above Ground Storage Tanks & Shop Fabricated Tanks
- Process Skids (various sizes & types)
- Valves (including MOVs, Slide Valves, etc.)
- Refractory (including Anchor & Hex Installation)
- Flare Tips (various sizes & types) & Molecular Seals
- Loading Arms
- Marine, Rail Car & Truck Racks
- Rotating Equipment (Pumps, Motors, Compressors, etc.)
- Expansion Joints (various sizes & types)
- Cooling Towers
- Concrete Pilings
- Coating Inspections (including TSA Coating)